Going through the photos folder, then saw this pic. It's a picture of my workspace in SCIB when I was working in Bangkok.
First look, organization in mess. I put the whole stack of paper on my left table and all the little notes magnetted on the side of the CPU. Titbits as well, will be on my left. I love eating while working, mouth munching while 2 hands on the keyboard. On and off just to bring the food to my mouth. I sound "eat-a-lot" eh..
Once in a while, I will clean up my workspace, as suggested by my ex-colleague. "Clean up your workspace if you're stucked doing programming, after clean, it will come naturally to you." Not sure whether it works, but I will do that once in a while when I'm stucked. For the sake of the program and myself. :D
I believe that's basically the standard workspace look for all the programmers out there. Total mess or organized mess.
So how's your workspace look like?
SCIB~ I miss bangkok, i miss mang muak..! I miss the aunty green tea coffee !!!
Hmm..usually before i start my works, i prefer clean up my table, last time i map my keyboard and table everyday :)
But after 5.30pm, u will see my table become messy =.=|||, not sure why, maybe i eat too much sweet to stop me "fishing" in office..
Count down 10 days, before i leave you guys. Gonna miss you all.
Liar Ay, you never clean ur table... always mess... dont lie !
my workspace always clean =) you come and see Tuesday
:D ay..true or not u say.. :D i know he always use 1 laptop and 1 pc..very geng one.. :D and got biscuits..with lots of sweet wrappers..ay..please lar..dun eat hacks too much lar..u know what they said about eating hacks..i've told u.....
yea john...urs is always clean -_- coz u throw all ur stuffs to ay's table...wuahahaha..
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