Saturday, August 09, 2008

It's 8 August, 2008

080808. an auspicious date for us, Chinese, and also a date to be remembered by everyone who has lived through this day. Needless to say, it's the Olympics 2008 at Beijing, China.

I will always remember the opening ceremony as the astounding one, full with surprises and chinese culture, and beautifully prepared, especially the most anticipated part, how the torch was lit up, really cool..In whichever way, it really does show Chinese can do it. :) I was in Hainan watching the Olympics over the tv, and kept on "wow wow wow..". Can't imagine if I ever get the chance to watch Olympics opening ceremony live at the stadium. Maybe, the next Olympic, which will be held at London. :P

I'm glad that all of us are able to see this event. :)
Let's celebrate this moment, go go olympics!