Part of the wall taken from Suvharnabumi Airport. H1N1 has most of the Asian wearing mask, but not "Farang" (guai lou) Prevention is better than cure, thus I follow suit too, wearing my mask when I'm at the airport.

"Kafe Yan". Can you believe that this tall cup cost only 30 BHT? I enjoy buying "Kafe Yan" at the little stalls which can be found around the city. They have latte, mocha, capucinno, you name it, they have it. I did get to ask the lady how much the coffee beans grinder cost. It's not cheap, around RM 1900. How I wish that we have little stalls like this in KL...
do they have ABC? kekeke
I have never got tired shopping at BKK, luv it when our money value serves the right purpose. Have a nice cafe day! :)
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