Sunday, September 16, 2007


I tasted the sudden sense of giving up. Mind blocked from finding reasons not to support "you are who you're born to be". I always deny and, wanted to deny. The ought to be that's in mind, suddenly seems so far. Have been holding the fort of mind, don't want to give up on the belief of you can go further, and like what people said, the sky is the limit. Sometimes, you just don't know, whether you've been pushing yourself too far that you tend to disappoint yourself. Perfections? You ask yourself. Maybe that's the reason that sometimes you struggle.
Tumbler falls and bounce up back.


datacrush said...

You're confusing tumbler and achievement. A tumbler has a low gravity center. They don't grow very tall to reach the skies.

Lilian said...

:) Yea, no doubt. But the nature of the tumbler, falls and straight back up without second thought, that's a good quality to learn of.