Mtv has been showing an advertisement of David Tao recently, which he expressed what he thinks about time. He said, some people think time as very abstract, whereas he thinks that time has the faces of our youth, and people don't realise what is time until they see the limit of their lifetime.
I never realise time until the time when I started working, travelling around, looking at the reality. Before this, time to me is mostly about waiting and repeating. But it's never like this. The truth is time is never repeating, whereby a second today will never come by, never. If given the chance to turn back time, which part of lifetime would you wish to go back to? If not mistaken, it should be the time when you start to understand, what moment means. The time when you start to feel things, start to realise the never returning of the many things in life.
Sometimes, you think about many things to do in your life. And as time passes by, you realise, more and more IF appears in your mind. If I have had the time, I would have...similar kind of sentences running around in your thoughts. Most of the time, you would say, I don't have enough time that's why I can't do this and that, blaming on the time, thinking that it will stop for that you can stop your grumbling and blaming?
Each passing minute, marks the never returns. Each passing seconds, you can see it as counting down, or accumulating to the minutes of time. Whatever perspective you have on time, always make sure that, you appreciate it, whether is it spending with your family, your friends, your loved ones and doing every little thing. History might repeat itself, but never time. I will keep that in mind always.
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